COPE project
The objectives of COPE Project are:
- Create applicable materials for adult educators and improve their knowledge and skills in the field of aggressive behaviour management strategies.
- Support adult educators with successful techniques, and methods for building their emotional resilience in working with people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities.
- To contribute to better inclusion of people with mental and intellectual disabilities in education activities
- Creating a Database of methods for managing aggressive behavious and buiding emotional resilience of adult educators, other specialist working with the final beneficiaries.
- To develop a SPOOC (Self-Paced Open Onlne Course) with 7 modules for adults educators' better understanding the nature of anger and effective techniques of preventing, de-escalinting it.
- To make an App as an alternative means of communication with some adult learniners

COPE project in figures
Create practically applicable materials for adult educators in the field of aggressive behaviour management strategies.
Improve adult educator's knowledge and skills regarding aggressive behaviour management.
Support adult educators with successfull techniques, methods for building their emotional resilience working with people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities.
Contribute to better inclusion of people with mental and intellectual disabilities in education activities

Tool with 44 methods and techniques to identify, prevent or manage aggressive behaviour of people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities, as well as support educators with successful techniques and methods to build their emotional resilience.

Free self-paced online training platform composed of 7 modules to better understand the manifestations of aggressive behaviour of people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities, improving educators' knowledge and skills regarding prevention, management and reduction strategies of aggressive behaviour and building their own emotional resilience to face the most difficult situations in their work.

Pictogram-based application for better communication of activities or routines with people with intellectual disabilities. Free, simple, easy to use and available on different types of devices, with the aim of facilitating interaction with people who have communication difficulties.
Educators Trained
SPOOC users