Cope project
Expressive writing
By adminCOPE | |
NAME OF METHOD/TOOL/TECHNIQUE Expressive writing TARGET GROUP: people experiecing trauma,
Multisensory stimulation in Snoezelen spaces
By adminCOPE | |
NAME OF METHOD/TOOL/TECHNIQUE Multisensory stimulation in Snoezelen spaces TARGET GROUP:
By adminCOPE | |
NAME OF METHOD/TOOL/TECHNIQUE Behaviour-Conversation-Change TARGET GROUP: Delinquent people, prisoners, ex-offenders,
Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
By adminCOPE | |
NAME OF METHOD/TOOL/TECHNIQUE Aggression Replacement Training (ART) TARGET GROUP: Delinquent
By adminCOPE | |
NAME OF METHOD/TOOL/TECHNIQUE De-escalation TARGET GROUP: Psychiatric inpatients, people with
Managing aggressive behaviour for people with dementia
By adminCOPE | |
NAME OF METHOD/TOOL/TECHNIQUE Managing aggressive behaviour for people with dementia